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Is The Vision For Your Business Really YOURS? It is? Are you SURE?

May 13, 2021

When you first started your business, you probably had a loose vision in your mind about what it would look like, but how in alignment with that vision are you now?  Are you really playing by your own rules and creating something that makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning, or have you lost sight of that vision somewhere along the way?  Maybe you never took the time to think much about your vision in the first place but, truth bomb, it’s an extremely important part of making sure your business is successful.


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Success Magazine,, and are just a few of the places you will hear a lot of talk about a business vision, and for good reason.  Having a vision will help your team to understand the common goal(s) that you are working toward.  If you work alone, your close friends and family will know what to say to keep you motivated and moving forward!  In short, it will keep you on track, all the way to the finish line!  With my one-on-one coaching clients, creating this vision serves as the basis of our work together because it helps my clients set a course and maintain their trajectory towards building a healthy and successful business long-term and it allows them to consistently check in with themselves to ensure that they haven’t strayed too far from their personal alignment and goals.

So, what is a business vision, anyway?

Basically, this is a vivid mental picture that you are going to draw for yourself to keep you motivated, inspired and constantly moving forward.  You may not know exactly how you’re going to make this vision come into fruition, but that’s okay.  Creating the vision in the first place will allow you to gradually take the steps needed each day to get closer to making it your reality, and don’t be afraid to think big!  If you own a brick-and-mortar business, maybe your business vision shows you opening multiple locations all over the world.  Maybe you’re more focused on reaching a certain number of sales.   Maybe you see yourself vastly expanding your network!  Maybe it’s a combination of all of these things or something else entirely.  Either way, now is the time to figure out your vision if you haven’t already. 

Once you’ve got some version of this in your minds eye, sit with it for a second.  Does it authentically belong to you or are you thinking within the context of other businesses you have seen in a similar industry?  If it’s the latter, go back to the drawing board.  What do you want?  Where do you see your business going in the future?  How will it fit seamlessly into the life that you are trying to build for yourself?

When you’ve answered these questions and created your vision, it’s time to start structuring out a game plan, working backwards.  What action steps do you need to take in the next quarter, month, week and day to get you closer to your end goal?  Let these steps become your why!  Then, start taking them!  You don’t have to have all of the answers right away, you just need to keep moving forward.  If you do this, literally nothing can hold you back from success.

What Next?

Remember, too, that you are not in this alone!  I’m here to walk with you through the process of growing your business and so are all of the members of my Facebook group, “Be a Confident Entrepreneur, Gain Confidence & Grow Your Income”.  If you’d like to discuss one-on-one coaching you can schedule a 25-minute call with me for only $17 to discuss your vision and your goals and figure out what sort of plan we could implement together.  Also, don’t forget that my six-week course, “Be a Confident Entrepreneur” is always available for about $65 per week (which includes access to loads of information on sales, networking, getting referrals from existing clients, creating a schedule that works for you, resetting your mindset, informational workbooks, and more)!

Check out the Referral Machine and learn free and low-cost ways to gain new clients with ease.


Video Transcript

Hey there everybody!

I'm so glad to see you. I've got Instagram here. I've got LinkedIn over here and Facebook. Be a competent entrepreneur group and business page. Golly lots of streaming going on.

So Happy Friday Eve day to everybody. I am so excited the weekend is almost here you guys. We've got everybody here all connected. It looks like all the text working. If you're on Facebook, be sure to give stream yard access to your name. Otherwise it just says Facebook user and that's kind of (sad face). because I can't se who you are and I can't shout you out.

The vision for your business. Let's talk about that today. One of my questions will be just like last week. Is it your vision? Is it truly yours? I'm going to challenge you today in a way that you haven't thought of.

But first, if you're new to me and I'm new to you, I'm Tracy Beavers. I'm a business and sales coach, and my passion is helping you, the small business owner, solopreneur, salesperson untangle the parts of your business that are no longer working. Get you out of overwhelmed, get you out of stuck? I hate that word, that's like that's like the S new S word, stuck.

Anyway, untangle the parts of your business that are not working so you can gain confidence and know that everything you are doing daily is going to grow your income and move the needle on your goals. Otherwise why are we in business, right?

So if you're here, live, drop a one in the chat. Love it when people join me live at so much fun. If you're catching the replay, I love that too. No worries. Team Replay is a great team to be on. Save the video into your phone and listen to it in the car. No worries. And as always if there's something on your mind from this week a question or a struggle you have had, throw that in the chat and let's work on it together too.

So business vision, you’ve probably heard this a lot. Read it in, I don't know, Success magazine,, This is something my clients and I talked about at the beginning of our relationship as we are coaching together and we talked about it throughout the coaching relationship regularly because you have to keep your eye on where you're going, right? I mean, if you're driving a car, you gotta keep your eye on where you're going and you need something to keep you inspired and motivated for the days when being in sales and being an entrepreneur feel heavy with a capital eavy. Am I right?

There are days like that, so let's talk about your vision. Your vision is basically a vivid mental image. It's something you can't put your hands on because it's in the future, but having a vivid mental image is so good for your brain. You guys know this, your thoughts become things. That's not new, people have been saying that for centuries. And our brains are wired not only for our survival but also just serve us. So having that mental image that vision of how you want your life to go. And where you want your business to be, that is critical to your success. The hard part is that the how of the vision isn't clear. We wanna know how we're gonna get there. And for goodness sakes, when are we gonna get there, right? I mean, I'm guilty of that. I'm like I wanna know how, I wanna know when. I can't possibly be the only impatient person in this group.

So, hold on, I’m getting a phone call. I put it on do not disturb, oh well, tech issues.

So, I have to remind myself that the how and the when will unfold in time. Our job is to create the vision and take steps every single day. Did you catch that. I said every single day. Even on the days when we don’t feel like it. Now you get a free pass if you're on vacation. OK, you can unplug when you're on vacation. That's healthy and you need to do that. But if you wake up a morning, you're like, I don't feel like working on my business. That is not going to get you where you want to go.

So what is your vision for your business, for your sales production? Do you own, let's say, for example, a franchise brick and mortar business, and you want to have multiple locations in different geographic areas? Do you have a network marketing business, for example, and you want to grow your team really wide or really deep so you can max out your comp plan. Or maybe it's just you right now. Kinda like me, a solopreneur and I'm slowly adding to my team to work toward my vision for my business growth.

So take some time to answer that question. What is your vision?

So now that you have your vision. That was fast, wasn't it? You got it in like 2 seconds, but now that you have your vision, let's stay there for just a moment. I want to ask you what I asked you earlier. Is this vision authentically yours?

Kinda like those goals we set we talked about last week whether or not those goals were actually your goals. It's important that your goals in your vision are yours. Nobody else’s. Franchise owners is your vision based on what you and your family want for your business. Or is it based on what your fellow franchise owners are doing in their markets?

Network marketers is your vision based on what you want. Or the peer pressure you can sometimes feel from your up lines or your sidelines. Trust me, I've been there. I have two network marketing businesses. I get it. I understand it's hard not to look around it and feel competitive.

Solopreneurs like me, is your vision based on what you see on social media. For someone that is in business in a business like yours, that you know, that competition can be good and bad. So you really have to ask yourself, is this vision, are these goals that we talked about last week really mine? Also, you know your family, might want to weight in about how they think you should be running your business and what you should be doing.

So when was the last time you actually asked yourself? Sat for a second and reflected? Is this truly my vision and aligning with what I want? Hopefully you have done that. If you haven’t, truth bomb. You're gonna have to do it. Sit for a second and think about it and reflect, what do you want? What is your vision? So once you've got your vision and you're sure it's authentic to what you want and you know how good it is for your brain to focus on it, right?

So let's run through a few more reasons why having a vision for your business will grow your income. It is a very unifying thing to have a vision. If you've got a team of employees, everybody understands the goal. Everybody understands where their headed. Everybody is working towards this. Rowing in the same direction as a unified front.

Solopreneurs, I'm not leaving you out. I’m a solopreneur. You all know that, I share my vision with my family and my friends so they understand why I am doing what I'm doing. Why I get up a little earlier, why I might be working on something late at night and when Mom needs a little break and doesn't want to hear, “what's for dinner?”. Everybody understands.

So everyone, whether it's your team or your family, is going to feel like part of the greater whole that builds a feeling, a feeling of community and belonging and support and that's way more fun than going alone, right? Having a vision is also very inspiring. It's so good for your brain, especially when something doesn't go your way. And like we talk about often being an entrepreneur is hard. It's a dream, it's a goal. It's the awesome future that you are going to create. And it helps with the goal setting like we talked about last week, and your action steps.

You see your vision and you can then reverse engineer back through how to get there. And then you know exactly what you need to accomplish each quarter, each month, each week, each day. Your vision is your why. It is your dream of the future based on all the work that you do.

James Wedmore is somebody that I really like a lot, I’ve listen to a lot of his trainings and his podcast and I heard him recently say this and it hit me between the eyes. He said, are you making decisions today based on the business that you have or are you making decisions today based on the business that you want? Let that sink in for a second. I had to ask myself that same question. Are you playing it safe?

Because I have been, I mean, full disclosure. I've built my coaching practice this far using my own money with no debt, just bootstrapping the whole thing and just. You know, just taking care of whatever needed to be taken care of and hiring the people and getting them paid and my team and all that. And I've gotten as far as I can, on my own. I've got to expand. I've gotta make some strategic decisions and some investments if I want to level up. I've got to make some smart investments in myself. Will I succeed? I don’t know. Will I fail? I don’t know. But I have a vision and I am moving forward and I'm making decisions based on the business that I vision, that I want. And working towards that rather than making decisions based on the business I currently have, and I want the same for you guys.

Having a business vision will gain you confidence. Having a business vision is going to grow your income. So remember, I say this every week. Don't go it alone. Being entrepreneur is hard. Some days everybody wants to buy what you're selling and other days nobody wants to know your name right? You think you're alone? You are not alone, ever. I'm here for you, this group is here for you. And if you wanna discuss coaching, what that looks like, what we can accomplish together, send me a DM or contact me through my website and let's talk about it. On the website you'll see a work with me tab and you can click on that and set a 25 minute call with me for only $17.00. To talk about your vision, to talk about your goals and to talk about what coaching would look like and we can make a plan for you.

Remember the six week course that I launched a couple of weeks ago, Be a Confident Entrepreneur, is still available. It's always available. It's six weeks of sales, networking, effectively getting referrals from your existing. Talking about a schedule that serves you. Your mindset reset, all the things you need to be a competent entrepreneur and business owner. Workbooks are included and it's all there for around $65 a week, which is a bargain in the coaching space. I know a lot of you grabbed the course and I'm hearing that you're absolutely loving it, and that makes my heart so happy.

If you're catching this, live on the business page or on LinkedIn or on Instagram. Join us in our collaborative, supportive community. Our Facebook group, called Be a Confident entrepreneur. Jump in make yourself at home. Introduce us to what you do. Let us know how we can be of service to you. Our Members are connecting with each other and it's resulted in some really great collaborations and some money being exchanged, which is really cool. Some people are doing business with each other which is really exciting. So fun. Alright you guys have a great balance of the week and weekend. And remember when one of us rises, all of us rise. So let's keep cheering each other on. I appreciate you guys so much.

I'm gonna check and see. The comments that we had. Yeah Ok cool. Yes Hey Jill Happy Friday Eve. Alright guys, oh yeah, somebody said that they really liked, especially for network marketers, often a lot of peer pressure, yes. Yes, setting goals and having a vision that is not authentically you. That is such a mistake. Jill’s loving the course. Awesome somebody said hashtag value. Appreciate that so much. Susan, hey I see you. Thank you for joining us. Alright you guys. Have a great great weekend. I will see you next week.


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