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Being An Entrepreneur Is Hard

Jun 17, 2021

As you probably already know, being an entrepreneur can be really difficult!  Some days everything goes according to plan and other days you spend questioning your decision to take this road in the first place, convinced that you must be crazy.  This is a natural part of starting your own business, but that doesn’t mean that it has to get you down.  The mindset that you approach your business with is going to be an integral component that will determine how your overall experience as an entrepreneur goes.  Why is this mindset piece so important and how is going to affect your overall journey?


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Your mindset creates the foundation for your entire business to be built upon.  It has a strong correlation with your confidence levels and, if your confidence levels are high, you’re going to be ready to do whatever it is that needs to be done to take your business to the next level and find success.  So, knowing this, why does it still feel so hard to have a positive mindset sometimes?  The simple answer here is “newness”. 

Maybe you’re new to business or, at the very least, you’re new to this business that you are in the process of building.  Maybe you’re just new to the shifts that you are making within your business.  Newness makes the how feel pretty far away sometimes.  Newness can make us feel like we don’t know what we are doing and that is a confidence killer.  Uncertainty keeps us stuck in that negative mindset, but there are some very real ways to shift out of it. 

  • Stop putting so much pressure on yourself! You don’t have to get it done all at once.  Know that the small steps you are taking each day are what will ultimately help you to reach those bigger goals.  You can’t rush it. 
  • Understand your overwhelm. Your brain is hard-wired for survival and that translates to the survival of your business, too.  Doing something new creates a little fear in your body and overwhelm is your body’s way of trying to protect you.  When that doubt creeps in, remind yourself that you are trustworthy, intelligent and capable. 
  • Look at what you’ve already done! Sometimes we forget to do this step, but it can be really impactful to think back to all of the accomplishments you’ve already had, not just from this business, but from past jobs.  You have gifts and talents that can help you here, too. 
  • Surround yourself with the right people! If you’re spending your time with people who are afraid to take the next step, you might stay stuck there with them.  Instead, seek out people who have already done your next steps.  Let them inspire you, teach you and lead you.  Ask questions and take notes.  Always be ready and willing to learn. 

The truth is, it’s okay to feel uncertain and scared when you are stepping into entrepreneurship as long as you keep going back through these four steps to find your confidence again.  If you have additional tips for keeping your mindset strong, we want to hear those, too!  Join our Facebook community at “Be a Confident Entrepreneur, Gain Confidence and Grow Your Income” to share your insights with a group of likeminded peers who want to see you thrive!   

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Video Transcript

Hey my friends. Happy Friday Eve Day to everybody. I wanna talk to you about being an entrepreneur? Why is it so hard? Oh my gosh and, what the heck are we doing anyway?

So first I'm Tracy Beavers. I am the founder of Tracy Beavers coaching. I'm a business and sales coach. I help small business owners, entrepreneurs, solopreneurs and people in sales gain confidence and grow their income, gain confidence knowing that the things that they are doing everyday on their schedule are actually moving the needle towards revenue new clients and their goals they want to achieve in their business.
I would love to know where you are tuning in from, if you could comment below, put in the chat. Are you catching the replay? Are you catching it live. Do you have a question and with stream yard if you, if you give permission to stream yard at have your name cause right now somebody just said hey Tracy and I don't know who it is. cause it says Facebook user. Kamisha, hey Kamisha good to see here but I don't know who Facebook user is and it just says hi Tracy so I hope it's one of my friends who I can say hi thanks Kamisha for tuning in live. Um, so let me know. Give me a one. In the chat. If you’ve ever doubted yourself as an entrepreneur, if you've ever thought, being an entrepreneur is super hard. And I'm saying that some people are. Catching it live awesome. I love it. Hi Diana. So yes, give me a one. Is being an entrepreneur hard? Is being a business owner hard. Let's talk about why that is.

So there are several reasons why. Kamisha just gave me all the ones I love it, yes. Some days you're on top of the world. Some days you’re like what the heck am I doing? Let’s talk about that and when that happened. Because the next couple weeks we’re going to be talking about things like mindset. I know mindset is a huge buzz word in your probably thinking. If I hear the word mindset one more time. I'm gonna lose it.

Well there's a reason why mindset is so important. It is that foundation of everything that we do. It is, you will hear me say it is that foundation of your confidence. Your mindset is your foundation, and that is your foundation to success, so I hope you gain confidence and that helps you gain success. Being an entrepreneur. And hey Julian, good to see you. So let's talk about. Why it feels so hard? It's because we don't know how to do this.

Some of us are new to business. We are new to our businesses. Maybe you've been in business for a while but you're shifting gears. And it’s the how. How? Isn't apparent. Immediately, and that can make us crazy. I know it makes me crazy. So when I feel unsettled when I'm questioning. What the heck am I doing in? Are the things I'm doing every day as a business owner actually going to move the business needle?
What I have to do is not put so much pressure on myself to the to develop the how or to know the how. But know, that the small steps that I'm taking every single day. And the small incremental steps. And what is gonna get me to my goals, it's kind of like climbing a staircase. You can't go from the bottom to the top all in one fell swoop. You have to take incremental steps. Each step along the way, and the how develops as you get to the top. So just know that. If you're wondering to yourself, why does this feel so hard and how am I gonna know how this is gonna workout?

Just know that your brain is wired for survival and is trying to keep you alive and so anything new that you're doing That's a little scary and different. That's why you get overwhelmed. It should brain trying to protect you. So what can we do to overcome that? You need to trust yourself. You're smart people, you are intelligent. Well educated, street smart, smart people, am I right?

And so I know that when I feel uncertain about something that really helps me, is looking back and thinking. How far I’ve come. What have I accomplished so far? What have I made work so far? What have I accomplished in past careers and jobs that I've had before? I have built businesses for other people. I have built sales portfolios for companies when I was in a sales role, I know I can do this. So when I'm concerned about how and my mindset starting to go a little crazy. I need to go back. Trust myself. That uncertainty is normal. It's my brain trying to keep me alive and survive, it trying to keep me alive and survive. And I remind myself of the gifts and talents that I've got and how am I using those. To bless the world and to build a business. And I look back and I remember my past successes. You know there was a business that I grew 86% in market share the first year I was there as a business development officer. I remind myself of that because that was pretty amazing.

The other thing I remind myself to do and you can do this too, I highly recommend is surrounding yourself with the right people. You want to look for people that are a little bit ahead of you, but not a lot ahead of you. You don't wanna look for somebody who's five to ten years down the road because then you're comparing your chapter one or two to their chapter 29 and 30 and you can't do that. So, you want to look to other people who are six months a year, two years ahead of where you are. Watch them, take notes, connect with them. Ask them questions and then take more notes and take all the information that you can find. And then assess whether it is authentic to you and it fits in your business and what you're trying to accomplish and then ditch the rest of it. Because sometimes we can gather too much information and it becomes overwhelming cause it becomes noise.

So you wanna take what you can learn thats actually gonna fit your business. Ditch the rest and you know, learn from everything. We become the average of the five people we hang out with most. And remember, you're one of those people. So it's super important that you remember how far you've come. Trust yourself. And just know that if you're feeling like being an entrepreneur is hard. That's cause it is. And it's OK to say what the heck am I doing? Everybody, second guesses themselves at one time or another, if they didn't, I'm sorry if they tell you they don't they’re lying. Sorry, but there lying. Everybody second guesses themselves. It doesn't matter how long you've been in business. So, just know that you're completely normal. It's all gonna be fine. And just do the next right thing in your business and you will move the needle.
So I hope those tips have helped you. I would love to know your best tip for keeping your mindset strong, if you'll put that in the chat for me, because if you think you're alone. You are not. And this group, right here is a great place to collaborate and support each other, so let us know what you need. Let me know. The thing you need to do to build your business, the questions you have. You know some of you have said you wanna learn how to be in sales without being spammy or annoying.
You wanna learn how to run your business really well and efficiently in terms of workflow and processes for your teams. Some of you have said that you're just feeling overwhelmed with having to do it all. These are all things that we can work through together. So lean on this group, lean on each other and I will check you guys out. Next week I'll come back with another Facebook live. Talk to you soon and have a great great weekend.


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