Write Emails Your Subscribers WANT to Open! ($197 value)

Staring at a blank computer screen wondering what to say to your subscribers every week? 

You have worked SO HARD to attract your ideal clients to your list...now it's time to nurture them into buyers!

I created this course to have you writing with ease & IGNITE your open and click through rates! 

What you'll learn:

πŸ”† The MOST important parts of your email - they aren’t what you think

πŸ”† How to know what your subscribers WANT to hear

πŸ”† How to write in YOUR voice to make the deepest connections

πŸ”† How to pick the BEST subject lines so they open immediately

πŸ”† How to find the PERFECT length for every email

πŸ”† How to KNOW your email strategy is working 

By the end of this short course, you will be crafting your emails with EASE...and your perfect fit clients will be hiring you! 

$97.00 USD